$10 Gasoline Anyone? ~ The Risk Averse Alert

Thursday, December 12, 2013

$10 Gasoline Anyone?

Considering the decisive role the Bank of England played in precipitating the global Great Depression of the 1930s, we might better contemplate how Venice on the Thames has again lured the U.S. Federal Reserve into a trap whose springing could threaten dissolution of the United States once events fully play out. To wit, once hyperinflationary hell reeks maximum havoc, indiscriminately destroying both the physical and financial economy—this being the entirely foreseeable end to which the U.S. dollar reserve system has been led following dissolution of the Bretton Woods System of fixed exchange rates in 1971—and oligarchy's proposed abatement of this, their intended devastation of the United States, ushers in a new monetary order whose effect both further consolidates today's supra-national, finance capital dictatorship and relegates the U.S. Treasury utterly prostrate, with widespread destitution and violence-prone disunity fostering general anarchy—a climate much like we have seen developing in Spain over recent years—thus would the nation's breakup then become a distinct possibility. Indeed, by all appearances from Europe over the recent period this is precisely what oligarchy is gunning for. Yet whether this effort will succeed is another matter entirely.

Putting aside fairy tales sold when London implemented its "Big Bang" financial deregulation of 1986 we might better fathom this, the birth of an offshore "banking" casino facilitating explosive growth in OTC derivatives, as being the rope by which both Wall Street and the U.S. Treasury has been enticed to hang itself. Tragically, neither evidently seems to have the slightest inkling they have been led into a trap. This was much the case back in 1931, as well.

Now, whether imminent entry through the gates of hyperinflationary hell ushering in the Wiemar solution is in fact on the agenda we cannot say with absolute certainty. Yet the possibility of an entirely disruptive affair appears rather elevated by efforts over recent weeks evidently aiming to isolate Saudi Arabia. This suggests an energy crisis might be in the making. An energy crisis would but further press into service of today's hopelessly insolvent trans-Atlantic banking system a critical component of the global economy enjoying relatively inelastic demand, ultimately satisfying need to increase cash flows generated by physical assets finance capital positively dominates (i.e. those energy related). No matter how short-lived the "positive" effect of a manufactured energy crisis might be in the midst of the physical economy's subsequent shutdown, the material means of increasing the banking system's tribute stands to be facilitated by a further increase in energy prices.

At the present moment we might venture the proposition that, hyperinflationary blowout on the Wiemar model remains some years from fruition. For the time being a further squeeze on the physical economy serving to marginalize the wherewithal of both private citizens and governments alike instead might be on oligarchy's immediate agenda. The recent period having seen a push toward expanding war deflected, the path of least resistance now more likely could see social decay fostered through further compromise of institutions instrumental to maintaining cohesion and order. As there is reason to equate hyperinflationary blowout on the Wiemar model with war's prosecution—nothing so quickly and so thoroughly would serve to compromise the U.S. Treasury, which end Venice on the Thames no doubt is venturing—the coming period might more likely cultivate debilitating conditions effectively ensuring that, there will be no resuscitating any American System defense against hyperinflationary chaos should its appointed hour, indeed, find ripe occasion.

A manufactured energy crisis no doubt would serve London's effort venturing destruction of sovereign nation states generally, and the United States most emphatically. Much as we have seen over the past five years, the worst of this inexorable drift toward destruction of sovereign nations has been a foreign concern, not yet ours domestically. We might imagine a manufactured energy crisis having the same effect, while moving crisis in the euro-zone inward toward its core. At some point the Fed's very solvency will be challenged, though, and this no matter how much support the U.S. dollar receives on account of rising energy prices. It is then the U.S. war machine either be fired up or the country find itself exposed at the brink of collapse. As best as we can tell, this could be what the gates of hyperinflationary hell will look like, and we are not quite there yet.

Now, being as the Fed has been shown in the post-Bretton Woods era the place where puppets go to die, any policy it forwards in the coming period threatening rising rates in all likelihood will have devious intent. We might fathom this a double edge sword, on one side pressuring Congress to cut, cut, cut, and on the other hastening the drive toward all out war. Again, the ultimate intent is prostrating the U.S. Treasury, and this rising rates certainly will help foster.

One way or another, vulnerability exposing the United States to risk of dissolution will continue to be forwarded, much as has been the case over the entire post-Bretton Woods era. It is no strange coincidence a deepening political divide has been developing over the interim, fostering a dynamic we might liken to that leading to the U.S. Civil War. The course we have been set on, indeed, threatens the nation's breakup. This is intended and, as ever, is London's devious doing as expression of an evil, Venetian-modeled oligarchy making the British Isles the world's most trendy police state. Sadly, both Washington and Wall Street insist on running their collective heads into London's noose. It is long past time the historic divide separating the United States from Britain be made a driver of sound policy capable of steering the world away from its deviously disguised, intended destruction.

Regrettably, this frame of reference has become foreign to the average American. Questionable is whether another doubling of energy prices will awaken the dead to the failed paradigm a foreign enemy through its witting American dupes has imposed plainly for the sake of fostering division, despair and devastation. Need anyone be implored to open their eyes? Cultural pessimism an imperialist paradigm is wont to promote presents a challenge to those who recognize far greater potential locked in powers our constitutional republic affords the noble cause of elevating humanity to its most creative, life-enhancing stature. The gods of money persistently fail, and in so doing demoralize the masses. Still, time and again history has shown that, but one leader is required to defeat a Goliath. This one hardly is a giant.

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